Season 3 Available Now!

Ernesto Gonzalez

STEM Specialist

I am a Region One ESC STEM Specialist for the GEAR UP: College Ready, Career Set Partnership! I am currently working on expanding Computer Science and STEM throughout the GEAR UP cohort. Working with partners from South Texas College and local professionals we have conducted and ran cybersecurity and computer programming camps for students. These camps include “Capture the Flag” activities as well as programming using Arduinos and raspberry pies.
I started my career by teaching English and coaching baseball and soccer at PSJA North High School. From there I transitioned to Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy which is part of Sharyland ISD and taught computer science and coached the UIL Computer Science Team. I considered the ability to be able to make connections and help students navigate to the next phase of their lives past high school one of the most rewarding reasons for teaching.

Sept. 23, 2023

It's a T.I.E.S. Matter

On today's episode we welcome our good friend Ernesto Gonzalez who is a STEM specialist at Region One Education Service Center. We sit down to talk about the T.I.E.S. (Together In Education For Success) conference his organiz...